St. Alban's

St. Alban's
Catholic Academy

Our Lady Fatima

Welcome to Year 4

Please keep an eye on our school website for updates on your child’s learning, pictures and important messages from me! Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

 Feel free to explore the meet the teacher sway which can be found here

I have just a few little reminders for you which will help make sure your child's time at school is as brilliant as can be. 

The Year 4 Team

 Class LSA- Mrs Farrow

Class Teacher- Mr Gatulah 

This terms Caritas Curriculum Learning- Planet in Peril

As warriors for our future year 4 take a close look at our planet, which is in peril and consider their responsibilities in ensuring we have a planet for the future. Using the non- fiction book Climate Change they learn in geography about our wonderous biomes,  and through science its habitats and animals that live there and what threatens their existence. In art they discover the sculpture Michelle Reader who uses recycled items to create art and then they explore  and create sculpture of their own to tell new stories. In computing they create presentations using photographs safely to spread their important message.  Through music the children learn to rap to a song that gives a clear message about their responsibilities and for the end of term they re-tell the Easter story and the responsibility that Jesus took to save us.  

knowledge organiser spring.docx




Year 4 Caritas Learning Overview 


caritas curriculum year 4.pdf






Home Learning

Our Home learning activities this half-term reflect our topic and can be found in the page dedicated to that term's topic. Home Learning is set on a Wednesday and celebrated in class on the following Tuesday. Your child should complete their Home Learning in their notebook on Teams or in the home learning book.


home learning planet in peril spring 1 2024.docx


home learning spellings and times tables autumn 1 2024.pdf





 We have PE lessons twice a week on a Monday and Tuesday. Children are expected to bring their full PE kits, which has their names on, into school. This includes plimsolls for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor PE. Please ensure that your child has the correct outdoor kit as the lessons will take place outside. Earrings must be taken out before PE lessons, either by the parent or the child- staff are not permitted to do this. Long hair must be tied back. 

This term our Tuesday PE slot will be our swimming slot.  For more information please see Mr Gatulah or the school office. 

Other Helpful Hints


It is expected that children are heard to read at home for at least 20 minutes. Your child must have completed the book and have their Reading Diary signed in order for their book to be changed. It is important to check your child’s understanding of what they are reading, especially as they begin to read longer and more complex books. This can be done through discussing the book with your child and through questioning them about specific aspects after or during reading.

We have reading time every day, and during the course of the week, children will read independently, with a partner or group and with an adult.


At the start of term children are given the spellings that are based on the Year Three and Four National Curriculum spelling list. Children should be encouraged to look for and learn spelling patterns in these words and other words.

It is more beneficial to work on spellings in short bursts; 5-10 minutes every day, rather than longer sessions. It is also very helpful to encourage your child to learn the meanings of these words (and other unfamiliar words) as well as helping them to develop their ability to apply these in context by writing a few sentences.


Children are welcome to bring a healthy snack into school for morning break. Fizzy drinks or sugary juices are not permitted. Only water should be brought to school in your child’s bottle.