St. Alban's

St. Alban's
Catholic Academy

Our Lady Fatima

Welcome to Year 2's class page.

Welcome to Year 2's class page. 

Please use the links at the side of the page to keep up to date with what's going on in our wonderful class.

 Please see are Welcome Sway/Presentation that was given to parents  

The Year 2 Team

  The class teachers in Year 2 are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Buck 

The class LSA's are Mrs Garbutt and Mrs Kellet

This terms Caritas Curriculum Learning


Year 2 – Fire Fire Spring Term

Year 2 travel back in time to discover the remarkable events of the Great Fire of London in history and through considering such losses that occurred at that time start to understand how to find happiness. They uncover the properties of everyday materials in science and link it to its significance in life in 1666. Through mapping, in geography, some of the main landmarks in London of the past and comparing them to now they understand how disasters can strike. Year 2 also use Scratch in computing to trace our steps across London. Through expressive painting in art the children create their own views of the great fire. The children explore happiness through music, whilst learning to be in a rock band and learn the dimensions of music, like pulse, rhythm and pitch through a group song.


knowledge organiser fire fire.pdf



Year 2 Caritas Learning Overview 


caritas curriculum year 2.pdf





year 2 home learning spring fire fire 2 252762798 1.pdf





Children will participate in 2 P.E. lessons a week On Monday and Thursdays. P.E. kits will now be kept in school and children will get changed in class. Some P.E. lessons will take place outside so children will need the appropriate clothing, this can be a navy/black jumper and joggers if needed. Appropriate footwear must also be worn such as black trainers or plimsolls as some of our lessons will be on the Astro turf.


Other Helpful Hints



Please ensure that your child reads daily.  They should be reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction books.  It is important that they read to an adult/older sibling as often as possible.  Please ask your child questions about what they have read to build up their understanding and encourage them to give opinions about the book. 

Reading books will be checked every week and reading diaries can now be brought to and from school and can be written in. We encourage children to read at home, this can be their school book, library book, magazines or anything that may interest them. This will help them learn new vocabulary and build up on their fluency and understanding of different texts.

Please listen to your child read, then mark the date and page(s) in the diary page and comment.

Your child will also be given the opportunity to take home a library book to build up a love for reading. 


Each week within the home learning, the children will be given a small selection of spellings from the Year 2 common exceptions words as well as other spellings that link in with the phonics for that week and/or English activities.

Spellings will be allocated weekly through the home learning books. Children will be encouraged to practise these at home in preparation for a weekly quiz on a Wednesday

Water Bottles

It is important children come to school with a labelled water bottle. These can be accessed throughout the day and children are given the opportunity within lessons to have a drink, they are also taken out at break and lunch times. Children have the opportunity to fill up their water bottles within the classroom throughout the day. Water bottles will come home at the end of the school day.

Home Learning

Home learning can be found on our school website under the 'home learning' tab in the Year 2 class page. It will be set on a Wednesday and is to be completed and handed back by the following Tuesday ready for the next lot of home work to be stuck in. The home learning will consist of a English task based on our current topic. The children will be set an ActiveLearn online task which will support their learning from the weeks activities. Children will also be given weekly spellings, which we encourage them to practice at home ready for a spelling quiz on a Wednesday. 

Children will be given house points for there efforts and we like to celebrate there learning through posting pictures on the school website for everyone to see.


During year 2 we will be continuing on with our phonics teaching. We will be using Floppy phonics to help all children develop in their phonics learning journey.


Please be reminded that children are not to bring in party bags or sweets.  Instead we ask that a book is donated to our school/class library. Birthday party invitations must be handed out side of the classroom before or after school.


We would like to kindly ask that children are provided with trainers in school, just like the previous year. This is because our lunch times and some playtimes will be on the pitch where children are asked to wear trainers on.